Previous Modifications:
- August 29, 2002; The Remembrance of St. Thecla Haymanot the Ethiopean
- August 22, 2002; Assumption (The Feast of the Virgin Mary)
- April 7, 2002; The Annunciation Feast
Fourth Sunday of Lent (The Gospel Concerning the Salvation of the
Samaritan Woman)
- Feb 05, 2001 (Jonah's Fast)
- January 7, 2001 (Christmas Day)
- November 4, 2000
- September 12, 2000 (Tut First, 1717 AM)
- The Feast of Nayruze (Coptic New Year of the Martyrs)
- March 9, 1999 The Remembrance of Pope Kyrillos VI,
116th Pope of Alexandria & Patriarch of the See of St. Mark
- Feb 14, 1999 Valentine (St. Valentine Feast)
- July 15, 1998 (The Feast of Anba Bishoy, the Beloved of Christ)
- July 12, The Feast of the Apostles and Remembrance of Peter & Paul
- January 20, 1989 (The Celebration of St. Demiana and the 40 Virgins her Companions)
- December 5, 1997 (The Feast of St. Mercurius Philopateer "Abu
- Novemebr 14, 1997 (26th Anniversary of the Enthronment of Pope Shenouda III)
- October 23, 1997 (The Feast of St. Mathew the Evangelist)
- July 1, 1997 (The Martyrdom of St. Moses the Black)
- June 15, 1997 (The Feast of Pentecost. Not a fixed date)
- June 10, 1997 (The Rememberance of the Departure of Anba Abraam,
the Departed Bishop of Fayoum)
- May 8, 1997 (The Remembrance of the Martyrdom (68 AD) of St. Mark the Evangelist)