Signs of the End of the World: The Second Coming of Christ:
A Letter to Our Youth

The Bible Is Holy, Pure, Clean, and Free from Falsification or Corruption

Mark 3:28-29: The Unpardonable Sin
A Letter to Our Youth

Intercession: Why We Glorify the Saints:
A Letter to Our Youth

Intercession: Why We Glorify the Saints:
An Arabic Letter to brother Joseph Abraham

William Hanna: Personal Thoughts on Christian Unity

The History of Christian Nuba (Nubia)

The Danger of Cults

The Holy Spirit: The Lord Giver of Life

The Holy Spirit: The Lord Giver of Life Part II
The Seven Sacraments of the Church

St. Mark the Evangelist, Apostle, Martyr, and Beholder of the Divine

The Liturgy of St. Mark the Evangelist

St. Athanassios the Apostolic, 20th Pope of Alexandria

Famous Sayings About St. Athanassious, and Sayings by him

St. Athanassios: A Brief Bibliography

Which Version of the Bible to Use

Some of the Virtues of St. George, The Prince of the Martyrs

Nineveh (Jonah's) Fast; 3-days, Mid February

The Great Lent

The Seven Seals of The Book Of Revelation

A Brief Commentary On The Book Of Revelation (May 2004)

A Brief Commentary On The Book Of Revelation (July 1994)

Christ Is Risen. He Is Risen Indeed.

"Sham Al-Nasseem" The Pharo's Spring Festival

Resurrection, Ascention, and Pentecost

Rituals, Signs, and Symbols in Church Service

On Egypt, the Land of My Ancestors

The Virgin Saint Mary (theotokos)

Why We Glorify the Virgin St. Mary:
A Letter to Rev. Rodney Stewart

Essays For Orthodox Youtht:
A Collection of Articles Written for St. Mary's Message

Incarnation of the Word (Arabic Translation): Originally written in Greek by St. Athanassius, the Apostolic: 20th Pope of Alexandria: Arabic Translation (1960's) by the Departed Fr. Marcos Daoud; Cairo Egypt: PDF Created by the Blessed Michel Malak Zakry: Thank God for our good faithful brothers and sisters: Thank God for Computers and

Incarnation of the Word (English Translation): Originally written in Greek by St. Athanassius, the Apostolic: Thanks to Coptic Orthodox Church Network for Publishing the English Translation

Paradise of the Monk ('Bustaan al-rouhbaan')(English Translation). The excerpts presented here are adopted from an abbreviated book edited by Dr. Benedicta Ward.): Originally written in Coptic; Translated to Arabic; This English Translation by is abbreviated (not complete). Thanks to COPT NET and Dr. Azer Bastourus for the Compilation of Stories over the years

The Remebrance of St. John the Divine (English)

(Arabic - PDF)Excerpts from the Book: "The Smell of Christ in Contemporary Faithful" by Rev. Fr. Luka Sidaros.